The Snowball

Warren Buffett and the Business of Life
作者 / Schroeder, Alice 出版社 / Bantam出版日期 / 2008/09/29商品語言 / 英文裝訂 / 精裝原幣定價 / 35 USD (幣別簡寫說明)運送條件/ 允許國外 定價 / NT$1,225售價 /NT$ 1,225
投資之神Warren Buffett首次正式授權的個人傳記!作者史無前例地得以深入採訪Buffett以及曾與他共事多年的同事及商業夥伴、甚至是妻兒與朋友們,大量第一手資料,完整介紹Buffett的經歷與投資哲學。
儘管多年來,他的一舉一動都受到所有媒體的關注,Buffett一向非常著重隱私,而從未向任何人剖白他的價值觀和處世哲學。作者曾擔任摩根士丹利保險分析師,並任職於 Buffet 的公司中,才能獲得他的信任、執筆撰寫本書。作者透過數千小時的深度訪談,並查閱無數的企業檔案,再加上Buffett充份的信任,回答作者所提出的問題、甚至包括了回憶他的童年,本書完整揭露了Buffett的人生故事,他的經歷、理念、曾遭遇的困難與掙扎、成功與失敗的經驗,並透露了他充滿智慧一面,當然更是詳細論及他的投資與商業策略。
本書書名源自Buffett的名言:「人生好比滾雪球,重要的是發現溼雪和一道長長的山坡(Life is like a snowball. The important thing is finding wet snow and a really long hill)。」Buffett對待投資者如同共同奮戰的夥伴,無論身在什麼職務,總是堅持「誠信」的原則;他身在瞬息萬變的投資事業,經手無數複雜的人與事,卻又能保持自身堅定的理念和不變的處世哲學,這一切都構成了他被譽為「投資之神」的原因。
Here is THE book recounting the life and times of one of the most respected men in the world,Warren Buffett. The legendary Omaha investor has never written a memoir,but now he has allowed one writer,Alice Schroeder,unprecedented access to explore directly with him and with those closest to him his work,opinions,struggles,triumphs,follies,and wisdom. The result is the personally revealing and complete biography of the man known everywhere as “The Oracle of Omaha.”
Although the media track him constantly, Buffett himself has never told his full life story. His reality is private,especially by celebrity standards. Indeed,while the homespun persona that the public sees is true as far as it goes,it goes only so far. Warren Buffett is an array of paradoxes. He set out to prove that nice guys can finish first. Over the years he treated his investors as partners,acted as their steward,and championed honesty as an investor,CEO,board member,essayist,and speaker. At the same time he became the world’s richest man,all from the modest Omaha headquarters of his company Berkshire Hathaway. None of this fits the term “simple.”
When Alice Schroeder met Warren Buffett she was an insurance industry analyst and a gifted writer known for her keen perception and business acumen. Her writings on finance impressed him,and as she came to know him she realized that while much had been written on the subject of his investing style,no one had moved beyond that to explore his larger philosophy,which is bound up in a complex personality and the details of his life. Out of this came his decision to cooperate with her on the book about himself that he would never write.
Never before has Buffett spent countless hours responding to a writer’s questions, talking,giving complete access to his wife,children,friends,and business associates—opening his files,recalling his childhood. It was an act of courage,as The Snowball makes immensely clear. Being human,his own life,like most lives,has been a mix of strengths and frailties. Yet notable though his wealth may be,Buffett’s legacy will not be his ranking on the scorecard of wealth;it will be his principles and ideas that have enriched people’s lives. This book tells you why Warren Buffett is the most fascinating American success story of our time.
Author Alice Schroeder was a noted insurance industry analyst and writer who was a managing director at Morgan Stanley. She first met Warren Buffett when she published research on Berkshire Hathaway; her grasp of the subject and insight so impressed him that he offered her access to his files and to himself. Their friendship and mutual respect make her ideally positioned to write the The Snowball.
詳細資料誠品26碼 /2680366924004
ISBN 13 /9780553805093
ISBN 10 /0553805096
EAN /9780553805093
頁數 / 976
尺寸 / H
開數 / H
裝訂 / 精裝
級別 / 無
語言 / 英文
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