Monday, December 04, 2006


(★ 聽對話內容)

Frank, one of Joyce and Brian's colleagues, sees Joyce walking by. He catches up with her and then they start chatting.
Joyce 和 Brian 的同事,Frank,看見 Joyce 經過便趕上她並開始與她聊天。

Frank: Good morning, Joyce. How have you been since our last conversation?


Joyce: I'm beginning to get the key points of selling, but to be honest, I still have certain questions.


Frank: Well, can you give me some examples?


Joyce: I can't describe them in detail. I just feel that there are some things that are still unclear. Maybe that's because I'm not at home with selling.


Frank: Uh, I understand. Perhaps I can give you some advice. When you are making a presentation, be sure that your clients understand the language you are using.


Joyce: I speak Mandarin most of the time.


Frank: No, that's not what I mean. I mean that you have to fully grasp what you're saying. Don't give me that cute smile. I mean it. It's really important. Can you picture someone placing an order with you if he doesn't have a clue about what you are saying?


Joyce: That's true. I didn't think about that before. Sometimes I think if I use a lot of technical terms, it will make me appear more professional.


Frank: No, it doesn't make you look more professional. It only makes your clients feel uncomfortable.


Joyce: Woo, I learned another lesson today. Thank you, Frank. You're a great help.

Joyce:哇,我今天又上到一課囉!謝啦, Frank。你真的幫了我很大的忙。


1. in detail 詳細地

例:I can't describe them in detail.


例:He told me about what happened in detail.


2. at home 精通的

例:Maybe that's because I'm not at home with selling.


例:He is very much at home with e-business. He made a lot of money by selling on the Internet.


※ 小叮嚀:

"at home" 後用介系詞 with 連接精通的對象。"at home" 另外可以解釋為「自在的」,例如:

I feel at home with my old friends.(我和老朋友在一起很自在。)

3. grasp (v.) 抓住

例:I mean that you have to fully grasp what you're saying.


例:The boy grasped his mother's arm tightly because of fear.


※ 小叮嚀:

grasp 可以用在抓住有形的物體,也可以用在無形的如機會或重點。

4. picture (v.) 想像

例:Can you picture someone placing an order with you if he doesn't have a clue about what you are saying?


例:I can picture him dressed like an adult. That must be very funny.


※ 小叮嚀:

picture 當動詞使用,除了「想像」,也有「畫;描繪」的意思。

5. term (n.) 術語

例:Sometimes I think if I use a lot of technical terms, it will make me appear more professional.


例:These medical terms are driving me crazy. Can you tell me what they mean?



1. John is very much ____ ____ ____ history, and he is a good teacher, too. He can tell you the history of a country ____ ____, but without any historical ____.

(John 精通歷史,他也是個好老師。他可以詳細告訴你一個國家的歷史,但不用任何歷史術語。)

2. I think I have ____ every word he said, and I can ____ what his project is going to look like.



1. John is very much at home with history, and he is a good teacher, too. He can tell you the history of a country in detail, but without any historical terms.

(John 精通歷史,他也是個好老師。他可以詳細告訴你一個國家的歷史,但不用任何歷史術語。)

2. I think I have grasped every word he said, and I can picture what his project is going to look like.



1. A 趕上/追上 B;A 與 B 並駕齊驅

A + catch up with + B

例:He catches up with her and then they start chatting.


例:Who didn't catch up with the early bus?


※ 小叮嚀:

"catch up with" 可用來指「趕上... 進度」的意思。在日常對話中,如與人相約,自己會晚點到,要對方先到相約地點,則可以說 "I'll catch up with you later."(我待會兒去跟你會合。)

2. 做簡報

to make a presentation

例:When you are making a presentation, be sure that your clients understand the language you are using.


例:It's my turn to make a presentation.



1. 那位男孩開始趕上了同學們。


2. 你做簡報了嗎?



1. That boy began to catch up with his classmates.

2. Have you made a presentation?


(n.) 勸告 發音
  clue (n.) 線索 發音
  conversation (n.) 會話,談話 發音
  grasp (v.) 領會,理解 發音
  picture (v.) 描繪,描述 發音
  uncomfortable (a.) 不舒服的,不安的 發音
◎ 進階字彙
  technical (a.) 技術的 發音